This is a continuing story that I published six years ago when I barely spoke English, and if you're interested in reading my funny-not-funny beginning, you can do so
Hi there, I'm Iva, and I've been in the cleaning business since July 2012. I started out as a domestic cleaner, and as I provided excellent services to my clients, I started receiving more requests from their friends. That's when I realized that I could turn my passion for cleaning into a successful business.
After my working schedule was filled, I decided to expand my business and bring in new team members. In 2014, I trained my first team member, who went on to receive excellent recommendations from clients. But even with two team members, I continued receiving inquiries, and that's when I decided to train more people.
Step by step, thought after thought, I continued to grow my business, and today, I'm proud to say that we are a Limited Company with more than 400 regular clients and over 20 well-trained professionals.
One thing that helped me to grow my business was my education in IT, which I received in Bulgaria. With my skills, I was able to build my own website without spending a penny. It took me four months and 20 hours in front of my computer, but it was worth it. I was proud of what I had accomplished.
However, I knew that there was always room for improvement, and when one of my clients offered to renovate my website, I accepted. I'm always open to learning and improving myself and my business.
I believe that being a team leader is different from being a boss. I'm proud to say that I am a leader, not a boss. I always encourage my team members and provide them with the support they need to succeed.
I'm proud of what I've achieved in the past six years, and I'm not planning to stop anytime soon. Cleaning is my passion, and I love what I do. As a business manager, I'm also happy to help with anything related to cleaning, managing teams, team leadership, and marketing strategy.
My success can be attributed to my work ethic, persistence, ambition, and positive attitude. If you need any help, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm always here to help.